Graphic Feminist
Barbara Kruger is a female graphic designer whose works are quite genius when compared to other feminist art works in my opinion. Her main artworks basically consist of found photographs with text covering over the top. The text is white with a red band surrounding it with content such as “I shop therefore I am”, “Your body is a battleground”, and “Your comfort is my silence”. The text that is in the work questions the viewer about topics like feminism and consumerism.
This is where her work comes out and exceeds past other feminist arts I viewed. In most other works by feminists the art seems very straightforward and blunt about the topic by just showing a vagina or something along those lines. In other words, I don't believe it let the viewer engage in some critical thinking. It just blatantly just seems to bash you over the head saying “Here you go this is feminism!”
However with Barbara's work, it leaves the viewer to question what is being said. Is the person in the picture giving the saying or is this what the author is thinking? Whatever the case may be it still hooks the viewer and lets you interpret. Her work is designed quite well even though she is simply appropriating images from magazines and putting text over them. The posters have a style to them that is almost in a style of Russian propaganda posters. The red bands with white text pull you in and let you observe the image overall.
I think other artists that have feminist ideas should follow somewhat along the lines that Barbara follows. As a viewer, if I can instantly just see what is being communicated it most likely will not hold my attention. The feminist arts don't need to just point out images of girls and vaginas everywhere. It can have a more creative concept behind it that will surely hold the viewer longer and still communicate the same message without being so graphic.
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